Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ideal day in the future

After a 12 hour shift at the ER, I return home at 7AM and crawl into bed next to a semi-annoyed cky (LOL). At 8AM, we get up together, I let the dog out, and we eat breakfast together. I go back to sleep until 1PM when I wake up and take the dog out for a run. I go to the grocery store and our dog stays in the car barking at strangers. I pick up some groceries and cky's favorite icecream flavor and go home. I take care of the bills, check our finances, and workout before showering and cooking dinner. When cky comes home at 6PM, dinner is ready and we eat together. She complains about her annoying coworker who can't do anything right and suggests some restaurants we should try this weekend after we take our dog to the dog park. We talk about our vacation to Europe planned for the spring. We watch some tv while eating some icecream and get ready for bed. She calls her mom and sister while I surf the internet. I can't believe how fortunate I am. Prayers. Thanks. Lights out. I turn around and hug her as I kiss her goodnight. Life is good. Just another 12 hour shift starting in the AM before I get to enjoy the weekend.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


May 14th 2011
45 days until my USMLE Step 1 Exam

Three exams to go until classes end. Dermatology, Rheumatology/Musculoskeletal, and Mind-Brain-Behavior--Psychiatry Block.

Instead of studying at this moment for any of the aforementioned exams, I am here blogging. I don't think this is a waste of time because I think outlining my short-term goals will be useful now. I haven't been a great medical student these past two years but I am going to try much harder now. I've been operating with the Pareto Principle of 20% work-80% results. It's worked so far but I got a wake up call. Failed my practice CBSE back in April.

Time to buckle down and do this. With 38 dedicated days of studying, I am hoping to get a 230 on the real deal. Emergency medicine, I'm thinking hard about you.

The Jack-of-All-Trades Ninja of medicine. How awesome would that be?

Ninja LHF, MD.